Chondrodite a member with clinohumite another rare gem mineral q v of the humite group has the composition mg fe2 5 sio4 2 f oh 2 and belongs to the monoclinic system in which. Chondrodite is a neosilicate and a member of the humite family of minerals. Transparent deep garnet red material of gem quality is found in the tilly foster mine brewster new york usa. It is closely related to clinohumite and impossible to differentiate from it with standard gemological tests. They also increase with fe2 and ti4 and with oh substituting for f.
Transparent to translucent orange brown specimens exhibiting orange brown to yellow brown pleochroism have been reported from sri lanka. Chondrodite is the most prevalent and well known member of the humite group. Facet quality chondrodite of a transparent deep garnet red is found in the tilly foster mine brewster new york usa and is one of the rarest and most beautiful of gemstones. Chondrodite is biaxial with refractive indices variously reported as nα 1 592 1 643 nβ 1 602 1 655 nγ 1 619 1 675 birefringence 0 025 0 037 and 2v measured as 64 to 90 calculated. Showcasing 200 gemstones in over 1 000 pages and accompanied by more than 2 000 photos the sisk gemology reference is a must have in every collector s library.
It is named for the greek term chondros meaning grainy alluding to the frequent grainy habit of this mineral. Refractive indices tend to increase from norbergite to clinohumite in the humite group. Discovered in 1817 its name comes from the greek chondros which means grain in connection with its well formed crystals isolated in the form of grains. It is named for the greek term chondros meaning grainy alluding to the frequent grainy habit of this mineral. Transparent to translucent orange brown specimens exhibiting orange brown to yellow brown pleochroism have been reported from sri lanka.
Discovered in 1817 its name comes from the greek chondros which means grain in connection with its well formed crystals isolated in the form of grains. Chondrodite a member with clinohumite another rare gem mineral q v of the humite group has the composition mg fe2 5 sio4 2 f oh 2 and belongs to the monoclinic system in which.